

Search results

366 results found

Natasha Misovska, MSc

dzr4 - 17.01.2024

Public debt reached 60% of GDP

Mijalce - 16.02.2022

Health Insurance Fund has no defined criteria for selection of healthcare institutions for treatment abroad

Mijalce - 27.04.2021

2 - Zero Hunger

dzr4 - 23.12.2022

The Assembly adopts SAO 2020 Annual Report

MartinDuvnjak - 27.12.2021

Lack of system for using EU funds for co-financing strategic projects

Mijalce - 25.01.2023

2022 SAO Annual Work Program submitted to the Assembly

MartinDuvnjak - 28.12.2021

Memorandum of Understanding between The State Audit Office of The Republic of North Macedonia and The Center of Excellence in finance (CEF)

dzr4 - 18.01.2024

City Trade Center, JSC for leasing office space, Skopje

MartinDuvnjak - 19.07.2022

Issuing B integrated environmental permits does not provide complete control over pollution

Mijalce - 08.07.2021

Court of Appeal Skopje

Mijalce - 28.12.2021

Participation of SAO delegation at the XI Congress of EUROSAI

Mijalce - 04.05.2021

State Election Commission was paying fees without measurable criteria

Mijalce - 28.07.2021

2021 Annual report

Mijalce - 30.06.2022

Early local elections 2020 - SDSM

Mijalce - 31.12.2021

Signed MoU between the SAO and OAGN

MartinDuvnjak - 16.06.2022

Meeting with EU Ambassador in the country

MartinDuvnjak - 31.07.2023

Еxecution of transferred competencies financed with block subsidies

Mijalce - 30.06.2021

Ljubica Toshevska, MSc

dzr4 - 17.01.2024

Non-unified requirements for managing capital transfers to municipalities

Mijalce - 16.06.2021