
Domestic violence and the road to justice in the Republic of North Macedonia


State Audit Office (SAO) representatives participated in the Gender Data Bootcamp, in Izmir, Türkiye, a collaborative effort between the School of Data and UN Women's „Gender Equalitz Facility“ project in North Macedonia and the "Making Every Woman and Girl Count“ regional programme for Europe and Central Asia.

The goal of the Bootcamp was to raise awareness on the use of gender data for achieving greater gender equality aimed at meeting Sustainable Development Goals.

Participants focused on analyzing, interpreting, visualizing and communicating data, using new skills and exploring official data and open sources to develop gender equality solutions on issues such as putting an end to domestic violence, economic empowerment of women, as well as the significant political participation of women in decision-making processes.

The Bootcamp not only improved participants' skills in the field of gender data, but also paved the way for the project second phase for developing partnership within the network of gender data enthusiasts who successfully completed the camp.

For the needs of the final project, SAO representatives together with the team made an analysis based on official data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs concerning domestic violence, i.e. number of reports on domestic violence, how many of the victims are women, how many of these cases end in the courts as well as how many are imprisoned.

The analyzed research data is presented with an infographic. This data should serve as an incentive for prevention and fight against domestic violence and serious commitments for prevention of domestic violence both through preventive measures and through effective judicial resolutions.

